Michael Quinn 01 April 2021 News
The importance of your “A” Team
We know that in truth, we cannot be all things… that is why it is so, so important to have the correct “A” Team working with you. Whilst many service providers will want to be your only advisor (as they do not want to have […]

Michael Quinn 27 February 2021 News
Negative Gearing
Negative Gearing is this + or - ? Mention the words Negative Gearing and straight away, everybody seems to have an opinion… I do think we should keep this simple though and yes, Negative Gearing is a hot topic at the moment (and has been so […]

Michael Quinn 06 September 2020 News
Do you need to own your own home to invest in property?
This is an interesting question as the real answer is what do you want and why? The simple answer is no, you do not need to own your own home to be able to invest in property as it comes down to your borrowing capacity […]

Michael Quinn 21 June 2020 News
Positive and Negative Gearing What are they and which one should you aim for?
Having owned x 7 Negatively Geared properties and our own home with interest rates at 9.2%, I feel very qualified to comment regarding negative and positive geared properties. Firstly, in layman terms, what is negative gearing and positive gearing? A negative geared property means that […]

Michael Quinn 13 March 2020 News
The 5 biggest mistakes first time property investors make and what you can learn from them…
They say, “we learn from our mistakes” and we need to make sure we do. Especially with property investing, as mistakes can be very costly. Not just in the loss of money and time, mistakes can, and do, stop investors from doing anything again. So […]